The Science Behind Microneedling: How Tiny Needles Can Transform Your Complexion

If you are bothered by early signs of aging and uneven skin texture or tone, microneedling might be a great treatment for you. This advanced cosmetic procedure offers endless benefits and can help you achieve beautiful, healthy skin with long-lasting results. Read on to learn more about how this treatment works and what you can expect from a microneedling treatment at our office.

What is Microneedling? 

Microneedling is a non-surgical and minimally invasive cosmetic procedure also known as collagen induction therapy. Collagen and elastin are proteins that are naturally found in the skin and are largely responsible for the skin’s elasticity and firm texture. Due to natural aging, sun exposure, and other environmental factors, collagen production gradually slows and the existing fibers break down. By stimulating new collagen production, microneedling can target a variety of concerns, from signs of aging to overall skin texture and tone. 

How Does Microneedling Work? 

Microneedling uses a device equipped with multiple tiny needles that puncture the skin, creating micro-wounds. This triggers the body’s natural wound-healing response, which includes cell turnover and collagen production. Cell turnover resurfaces new, healthy skin cells to cover up and replace dead cells on the skin’s surface. This, combined with collagen production, rejuvenates beautiful, healthy skin with a more even texture and glowing complexion.

Microneedling Benefits 

At YCO Facial Plastic Surgery, we offer advanced microneedling technology that can be customized for each patient’s individual needs. The device’s speed and the needle depth can be adjusted, depending on the conditions being treated and your skin type. Skin conditions that can be treated with microneedling include:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Mild scarring
  • Enlarged pores
  • Rough skin texture
  • Uneven or dull skin tone
  • Stretch marks
  • Loose skin

Most areas of the face can be treated, including small, delicate areas like under the eyes, the upper lip, and around the nose.

What to Expect from Your Microneedling Procedure 

Microneedling typically takes less than an hour to complete at our comfortable Encinitas office. First, your skin will be cleansed and prepped with a topical numbing cream to prevent any discomfort. As the device is passed over your skin, you might feel a mild scratching or tingling sensation. 

Once the treatment is complete, you can immediately resume almost all your normal activities. However, we do recommend that patients avoid strenuous activity for 1-2 days and avoid excess sun exposure until their skin is healed. Mild swelling and redness are common and could be exacerbated by these activities. Results will develop gradually as new collagen develops and healthy skin cells are resurfaced. For the best results, we recommend 4-5 treatments scheduled 4 weeks apart; acne scarring may require 5-6 treatments.

Schedule a Consultation

At YCO Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. Yco and our team strive to create the best possible patient experiences with advanced cosmetic treatments and a comfortable environment. If you are interested in microneedling in Encinitas, CA, we encourage you to call our office today or fill out an online contact form.

Schedule a Consultation

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Mario Yco or get in touch with an incredible member of our team, fill out the online contact form. You may also reach out to us by calling us or visiting our office location below.

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