Revoluminization (Fat Grafting)

In Encinitas, CA

Retore Lift

As we get older, our faces tend to bear the majority of the visual signs of aging. It’s common for fine lines and wrinkles to begin to show up around our eyes, and mouths, but volume loss can also lead to an older and more tired appearance. This age-related volume loss can cause a sunken or hollow appearance that only exaggerates the signs of aging on our faces.

Dermal fillers can be used to restore lift and volume, but they are hardly a long-term solution. Your Cosmetic Office offers effective and long-lasting facial rejuvenation treatments like Revoluminization, a form of facial fat grafting that can restore fullness and youthfulness to the face.

What is Revoluminization?

Revoluminization is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that reintroduces volume to parts of the face that appear deflated and sunken due to aging. The procedure is designed to be a less invasive alternative to facial implants and facelifts and a longer-lasting solution than dermal fillers. The treatment involves three distinct steps: liposuction, centrifugation and purification, and fat reintroduction.

Who is a Candidate for Revoluminization Fat Grafting?

This procedure is designed for individuals looking to address facial volume loss and the lines that form as a result. You should be in good overall health and go into the procedure with realistic expectations in order to be a candidate. Because this procedure relies on harvesting fat from another location on the body, it is best performed on individuals with adequate amounts of fat in the chosen donor site. The best way to determine if this procedure is right for you is by scheduling a consultation at Your Cosmetic Office.


“He knows my facial features and does a great job every time”

Love Dr. Yco and staff! I always have a great experience when I go to the office! I’ve been to a few different offices to have my Dysport done, and he is definitely the best! He knows my facial features and does a great job every time, and I never need to come back to have a spot treatment. I recommend Dr. Yco and staff 100%!!

Revoluminization Procedure

The fat grafting procedure for Revoluminization treatment involves three separate steps to achieve benefits such as restoring youth and volume to hollowed areas, diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, helping to fade scars, and improving skin texture, and position of cheeks. These steps include:


The fat used in fat grafting is harvested from a donor site on the patient’s own body. This site could be the buttocks, thighs, flanks, or abdomen. A small incision is made at the donor site where liposuction is performed to remove and retrieve fat.

Centrifugation and Purification

The fat that has been collected is then placed in a centrifuge where it is spun at an extremely fast interval. This spinning causes the viable adipose fat to separate from the excess fluid, debris, and dead cells that may be mixed in with harvested fat. The purified fat is then decanted and prepared for injection.

Fat Reintroduction

In this final step, the purified fat is injected into the area that needs improvement. Dr. Yco uses precision to inject the fat in little droplets to ensure each droplet receives a proper blood supply. This ensures that the grafted fat cells survive and thrive by adhering to the surrounding tissue.

Post-Op Care

This type of facial rejuvenation procedure requires little downtime when compared to other plastic surgery procedures. You may experience some tenderness in the face and area where the liposuction was performed to retrieve the fat cells, but this should not last for more than a week. Your face will be swollen immediately after the treatment but will gradually go down over about a week. It is important to avoid touching your face after the procedure, and you may be advised to sleep in an elevated position during recovery. The final results can take up to 6 months to be seen. After this point, the fat that has been introduced to the face should behave like all the other fat in your body. In some cases, Dr. Yco will suggest a hyperbaric Co2 or redlight therapy referral for faster healing.

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One Face at a Time

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Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about revoluminization and fat grafting, schedule a consultation with Dr. Yco at Your Cosmetic Office. Fill out our online contact form to get in touch and start your facial rejuvenation journey today.

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