Temple Lift

In Encinitas, CA

The Temple Lift

At Your Cosmetic Office in Encinitas, California, we understand how even the most subtle changes can make a big impact on the way one looks and feels. Double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Mario Yco offers facial rejuvenation procedures to help establish these minute, yet powerful changes.

A great way to address facial aging in a precise and targeted way is through the artistry of a temple lift. Among the many brow lift procedures offered at Your Cosmetic Office, the temple lift is the least invasive, while remaining just as effective in restoring a youthful appearance.

What is a Temple Lift?

A temple lift, also known as a temporal or lateral brow lift, is a specialized cosmetic procedure designed to address signs of aging in the often-overlooked area of the temples and outer brow region. This area of the face can often exhibit signs of aging such as sagging skin, hollowing, and gradual volume loss. By intervening in the aging process with a temple lift, Dr. Yco can lift and reposition the tissues, restoring a more youthful contour to the temples. The procedure is tailored to each patient’s unique anatomy and aesthetic goals.


“Dr. Yco has become my sole and trusted surgeon ”

I first started seeing Dr Yco almost 4 years ago and was immediately impressed by his vast knowledge of all things faces. He has become my sole and trusted surgeon (including all fillers/botox). You won’t find anyone who will spend as much time understanding your needs and addressing your concerns. If I could give him and his staff more than 5 stars, I would!

Who Is a Candidate for a Temple Lift?

Ideal candidates for a temple lift are seeking to address signs of aging related to volume loss and skin sagging around their eyes and do not wish to undergo intense surgery to correct these issues. Candidates for temple lift surgery should desire a more precise and targeted form of facial rejuvenation, as opposed to more comprehensive changes that go hand in hand with procedures like a facelift. It is important that anyone considering a temple lift is in good overall health and does not have any pre-existing health conditions that may cause complications during or after surgery. The best way to determine your candidacy is by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Yco. 

Temple Lift Procedure

The first step of a temple lift at Your Cosmetic Office is a consultation with Dr. Yco, where you will both discuss your cosmetic goals. On the day of the surgery, you will be given either a local or general anesthetic to ensure your comfort. Dr. Yco begins by making an incision above the ear by the temple within the hairline. The meticulous placement of the incisions allows for minimal visible scarring. The underlying tissue is then raised and lifted in order to smooth the appearance of wrinkles like crow’s feet. Finally, any excess or sagging skin is trimmed away before Dr. Yco stitches your incisions closed.

Post-Op Care

Following post-operative care instructions very carefully after a temple lift is crucial for a smooth recovery and optimal results. It is normal to experience some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort in the treatment area immediately following surgery, but these symptoms can be managed with pain medications and cold compresses. It is important to keep the head elevated during your initial recovery, even when sleeping, to minimize any swelling. Other post-op instructions that should be followed can include avoiding strenuous activities, sun exposure, and harsh hygiene products. During your follow-up appointment, Dr. Yco may recommend hyperbaric Co2 treatments or red light therapy if he feels your recovery is not progressing fast enough.

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Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about the temple lift procedure and how it may be a great stop on your facial rejuvenation journey, schedule a consultation with Dr. Mario Yco at Your Cosmetic Office. Fill out our online contact form to get started today.

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