
In Encinitas, CA

The DUO Procedure

At Your Cosmetic Office in Encinitas, California, we strive to provide the newest and most noteworthy treatments to help improve and enhance our patients’ sexual well-being. Introducing Alma DUO, an advanced and effective solution to enhance the sexual experiences of both men and women.

Under the guidance of double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Mario Yco, our incredible team can help you rediscover intimacy and satisfaction. With a commitment to discretion and effectiveness, Your Cosmetic Office combines the latest in medical science with a personalized approach, setting a new standard for sexual wellness treatments.

What Is DUO?

DUO is a quick and effective “His and Hers” treatment from Alma Lasers. This procedure offers the best in shock wave technology to help restore and enhance your sexual well-being. The device uses low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LI-ESWT) to promote blood flow to the sexual organs, restoring natural, and enhanced, function, effectively reversing changes in vascular function made by aging. As a result, treatments with DUO enhance the sexual experiences of both men and women.


“Dr. Yco is an outstanding doctor”

Dr. Yco is the kind of doctor who takes the time to listen to the concerns of his patients. He doesn’t rush his patients. He is an outstanding doctor, and I would recommend him to anyone seeking care or looking to improve their appearance.

Who Is a Candidate for DUO?

The ideal candidate for DUO treatment is typically an individual seeking a non-invasive and effective solution to address issues related to sexual function. This may include concerns such as erectile dysfunction, decreased sensitivity, or difficulties achieving and maintaining satisfactory sexual performance. Candidates may also include those who are looking for an alternative to traditional treatments, such as medications, or individuals who wish to enhance their overall sexual well-being. DUO treatments can be a promising option for those seeking a discreet and scientifically advanced approach to rejuvenate and optimize sexual function. The best way to determine your candidacy is by scheduling a consultation with Dr. YCO.

DUO Procedure

he Alma Duo system uses LI-ESWT technology to stimulate an increase in blood flow to improve sexual experiences in men and women. Treatment times are 15 minutes or less, and you don’t have to schedule any downtime afterward. For men, DUO treatment can restore blood flow to the penis to naturally improve the quality of erections. In women, Alma DUO uses shockwave energy to enhance blood flow in the vaginal tissues to increase sexual sensitivity and pleasure. Treatment is comfortable and requires no needles or anesthetic. For treatment in men and women, Dr. Yco uses a handheld applicator to deliver short pulses of energy into the treatment area. The energy triggers a natural healing response in your body to restore blood flow and improve sexual function and sensation.

Post-Op Care

There is no downtime or recovery period required with DUO treatments. Most patients can expect to receive a series of around 6 treatments over the course of three weeks. Most people notice a significant improvement in their sexual function after the first few treatments.

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Schedule a Consultation

If you would like to take control of your sexual wellness journey, schedule a consultation with Dr. Yco at Your Cosmetic Office in Encinitas California today! Head to our website to fill out an online contact form and get started.

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